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Learn more about the Online Faith Collective and Virtual Pastor Network in a State of Belief feature with Rev. Dr. Welton Gaddy.
What People Are Saying
“As we spend time online, with what are we aligned? Are we in line with our authentic selves? Are we in line with sincere relationships? May we be in line with the hope, joy, peace, grace, mercy and love of God. Worship online: like God’s love, worship knows no bounds.”
— Rev. Melissa Guthrie Loy
Executive Director + Minister, Disciples LGBTQ+ Alliance
“Seeing my Rabbi and the faces of my community lifted my heart and nourished me. These are very hard times. That is when faith really rises.”
— Jania Sommers
Congregation Dor Hadash, San Diego
“Online worship is a way for our spirits and digital selves to find the peace we can during these trying times. Although we cannot explain how the Holy Spirit moves through our screens, we cannot deny her ability to move.”
— Rev. Samuel Kinsman, NYC
Featured this week
New Day Church
Bronx, New York
11:00 am Sunday, EST
Facebook Live, and folks can join on zoom via the registration
Note: We are a boundary crossing church in the North BX with a queer black woman pastor and a dynamic worship team.
Unity of Michiana Spiritual Center
South Bend, IN
10am Sunday, CST
Note: We are a diverse and inclusive spiritual community offering a positive path to spiritual living.
San Diego, CA
10:00 am Sunday, PST
Note: BELOVED is a progressive and contemplative Christian community practicing extravagant grace, radical inclusion, and relentless compassion. We are an Open & Affirming Community that celebrates our God-given diversity of race, ethnicity, ability, sexual orientation and gender identity.
Trinity United Methodist Church
Kansas City, MO
Sundays, 10:30 AM CT
We are a pretty progressive church and talk about social issues and how it relates to faith. We sing hymns as our worship music. The pastor is known for his social justice work in organizing. He also preaches these types of sermons frequently. We love to do work in organizing as a community. We also like to do classes to help us be aware of our own bias and become more inclusive of people different from us. Our community is about 40% LGBTQIA and loves people where they are. Even though our denomination is iffy on LGBTQIA, we are incredibly affirming as a congregation.
Saint Matthew Ecumenical Catholic Church
Orange, CA
8:00 am 10:30 am PST in English
12:30 pm in Spanish
First Baptist Church of Salt Lake City
First Baptist Church of Salt Lake City
Salt Lake City, UT
11:00 am
Facebook and Online
Note: We are an urban congregation that welcomes the LGBTQ community into full participation in the life of the church, including leadership. We are a blend of traditional and contemporary worship styles. We are an authentic and genuine faith community that is seeking understanding together.